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Progress Update No. 06 - Terrible First Versions and Choosing a New Name

There are two major things of note to share with you today as the new B2B offering I've been working on for the past few months gathers pace.

Headshot of Greg Aubert

May 9, 2023

May 8, 2023



 min read

Progress Update No. 06 - Terrible First Versions and Choosing a New Name

1. The Difficulty of Choosing a New Name

I need to choose a name for a new company but these days it's incredibly difficult - everything's bloody taken!

This is the minimum checklist in my mind:

  • Domain name available
  • Linkedin available
  • Search engine results page is relatively uncompetitive
  • Easily spellable if you hear it in conversation
  • Nice bonus: conveys something relating to the company's offering - (so in this case, solving ad creative production for performance marketers).

❌ What Doesn't Work

The " Digital" format is a complete blood bath.

Honestly, by now pretty much every reasonable-ish sounding noun has been taken with this format and will generally already be a marketing/creative agency somewhere.

✅ My Favourite Format: Pairing Two Dictionary Words

(Dictionary words mean they're not made-up words or misspellings)

Single dictionary words (e.g. are brilliant but are either taken or if they are miraculously available, you'll have to stump up quite a sum probably £100k+ if it's a decent word.
But pairing up two dictionary words gives you a fair shot at finding interesting combinations that are available at a good price AND tick all the boxes above.

So after some research, I've landed on...

🥁 🥁 🥁

Tiny Cult.

It's available, uncontested in search results and I was able to nab the Linkedin handle.

Meaning-wise it hints at the fact that I want this company to be something where we actively choose to work offering cool/useful things for a smaller group of Performance Marketers who get the game and are probably a bit more advanced.

So if that means saying "no" to a bunch of customers who aren't the best fit, then that's ok.

If we end up with a small but passionate group of Performance Marketers where we can crack on and do some great stuff together - starting with creative production for ads today - then in my eyes that will be a brilliant outcome.

Hence, "Tiny" + "Cult".

Slight downside - the .com is available but for ~£2k.  

So to start with I'm rolling with

I'll stump up the £2k once this goes somewhere :)

2. Getting a First Version Live

They say if you're not embarrassed by your first version then you shipped too late.

Well, behold this absolute monstrosity of a V1 landing page.

85 lines of horrendously crap code, straight from the opening Hello World module of Codeacademy 😂


Update:  I couldn't help it, had to update the damn thing with at least a link to some Gslides for more info.  

(So now it's 95 lines of terrible code)

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